Constitution of New Jersey AHEAD


Ratified November 2003

ARTICLE I - Name and Purpose

Section 1. Name
The name of this organization shall be the New Jersey Association on Higher Education and Disabilities (NJ AHEAD).

Section 2. Use of Name
The name of this association shall be employed in connection with official business and activities of the association. The name of the association shall not be used by individuals, organizations, or agencies without the approval of the Executive Council.

Section 3. Purposes
The purpose of this organization is to advance the importance and quality of accommodation and services at institutions of post-secondary education in the State of New Jersey. The specific purposes of this association shall be to provide leadership for the service providers in the State of New Jersey, to maintain a network for the service providers to enhance compliance with ADA legislation in both the spirit and letter of the law, and to provide for a confidential format for professional consultation and peer support.

Section 4. Affiliation
The NJ AHEAD is a division of the AHEAD and shall be autonomous in the conduct of its affairs consistent with the bylaws of AHEAD.

ARTICLE II -Membership and Dues

Section 1. Membership
The Executive Council of the NJ AHEAD is responsible for making decisions regarding membership. All concerns about membership shall be directed to the committee for review and decision.

Section 2. Types of Membership, Responsibilities and Privileges
A. Full-Membership: A full member is a college employee who is (1) currently servicing college students with disabilities at a college or university and is (2) an individual who is responsible for making decisions regarding the delivery of services to students with disabilities, or (3) is an ADA Compliance Officer employed by a New Jersey college or university. Full AHEAD membership entitles the member to voting privileges and requires the payment of full membership dues

B. Associate Membership: An associate member is an individual who works with college students with disabilities but is not employed by a college or university. Associate members may attend the program presentations held by NJ AHEAD and to other non-business parts of the meetings. Associate members are non-voting members of the association and cannot hold office but may serve on the committees of the association. Associate membership requires a membership fee established by the association.

C. Application Procedures: Individuals interested in joining the association shall:

1.Submit an application in writing to the Executive Council through the Treasurer/Membership.

2. The Executive Council shall review the application and make a recommendation concerning membership within two month’s time.

ARTICLE III - Meetings

Section 1. Membership
The association shall meet at least once annually and shall hold such meetings, workshops, and conventions as shall be deemed necessary and advisable by the Executive Council and/or membership. The general membership must receive formal notification of all official business meetings in advance.

Section 2. Executive
The Executive Council shall meet at any time that is deemed necessary. The majority of the membership of the Executive Council shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. All members of the council must receive notification in advance. A regular meeting schedule shall be established at the beginning of each term and announced to the general membership in advance.

ARTICLE IV - Officers

Section 1. Officers
The officers of the association shall be president, vice-president, treasurer/membership, secretary/archivist, and 4 program coordinators.

Section 2. Qualifications
Each officer shall be a member in good standing in the NJ AHEAD.

Section 3. Terms of Office
The term of office for each officer shall be two years. All officers shall be installed and take office July 1st. An individual may not hold an office for more than two consecutive terms in the same offices.

Section 4. The Election of Officers
The immediate past president shall chair the Election Committee. A call for nominations shall be circulated to all current members during the month of March. Nominations must remain open for at least two weeks. An official ballot shall be sent to all current members, following the close of nominations and include all nominees for each office and a brief vita of each. The balloting must be open for at least two weeks and be completed by May 31st and the results announced to the membership.

Section 5. Vacancies
In the event that the presidency shall become vacant, the vice-president shall assume the presidency and shall serve the remainder of the term as well as the term for which the vice-president has been scheduled. If a vacancy should occur, it shall be filled for the remainder of the term, by presidential appointment from the membership with the approval of the Executive Council.

Section 6. Duties
A. President. The president shall be the chief elected officer of the association. He/she shall preside at all state meetings of the association, chair and preside at meetings of the Executive Council. He/she, in consultation with the Executive Council, shall appoint chairpersons and members of all committees. He/she shall administer all correspondence with the national AHEAD leadership and in-state associations.

B. Vice President. The vice-president shall perform the duties of the president in the absence of the president.

C. Treasurer/Membership. The treasurer shall take charge of all receipts and disbursements, present a written financial report at a spring business session and at other times as requested by the president, keep accurate financial records, serve as chair of the budget committee and maintain the membership and mailing list.

D. Secretary/Archivist. Coordinate mailings announcing meetings and other activities and maintain file of previous minutes and meeting attendance.

E. Program Coordinators. The program coordinators (4) shall be responsible for chairing and coordinating the Conference Planning Committee activities.

F. Immediate Past President. The past president shall chair the Election Committee.

ARTICLE V - Executive Council

Section 1. Membership
The Executive Council shall consist of the eight elected officers and the immediatepast president of the consortium.

Section 2. Qualifications
The qualifications for members of the Executive Council shall be the same as for the elected officers of the consortium.

Section 3. Duties
The Executive Council shall transact all necessary business of the association between regular business meetings of the membership, shall formulate and recommend policies to the membership, and shall carry out such activities as directed by the membership.

Section 4. Meetings of the Executive Council.
The Executive Council shall meet at the time and place of the state meetings and at other times during the year as designated by the president. A simple majority shall constitute a quorum.

ARTICLE VI - Committees

There shall be an election committee and other committees as are deemed necessary by the president in consultation with the Executive Council.

ARTICLE VII - Operating Procedures

The Executive Council has the authority to establish and adopt operating procedures. Operating procedures may be amended by the Executive Council for operation of the Consortium.

ARTICLE VIII - Amendments

The Executive Council or any member of the association may propose amendments to this constitution. Any amendment must be presented in writing to all members of the association at least 30 days before the business meeting at which the change is to be considered. Amendments will be adopted by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the members present and voting.