AHEAD Membership FAQs

*Please Note: The following statements apply to your National AHEAD membership only (not State or Regional Affiliate AHEAD membership)

Both Memberships are for one person however the Institutional Silver allows for any person in your institution to purchase webinars, conferences, workshops etc. for the member rate. The Full Professional only gives one person these benefits.

How do I renew my AHEAD membership?

Go to the Renew Membership page and sign in to your account.  Select the membership you would like for the upcoming year. You can pay with a credit card or select the “pay by check” option and an invoice will be automatically emailed to you. You may also send a PO if you select the “Pay Later” option.

How do I reset my password?

From any page, click the Sign In tab at the top right. Choose the link option “Forgot Your Password.” Enter your email address and an email with the subject "Password Reset Request" will provide you a link to reset your password. Please check your spam/junk folder for this email message if you do not receive it in your inbox immediately. 

Where do I find member Discount Codes?

Once you have signed into the website using your account information (your Username is typically your AHEAD member associated email address), you will land on the AHEAD website home page.  From the home page, select the "Membership" tab and then select the Members Discount page.

How do I add membership names for Institutional (Gold, Platinum, and Diamond) members when renewing

When you select your membership type please have the names and email addresses of all members ready to fill in in the additional member boxes. This will ensure the AHEAD office can activate these members accounts.

Is my Institutional AHEAD membership transferable?

If your institution paid for your membership, it owns the membership and can transfer it to another person at the institution by submitting a change request (New Window). If you paid for the Institutional membership personally from your own funds, then you may take your membership with you to any other email address. If you do take your self-funded membership with you, please notify the AHEAD office if your email address changes.

Can I take my AHEAD membership with me to my next position?

Yes, if you remain with the SAME institution. Otherwise, you may only take your membership to a new position/institution if you paid for it from your personal account.

How long does my AHEAD membership last?

All memberships run from January 1 through December 31. AHEAD does not pro-rate memberships. However, if you purchase a membership in the last 3 months of any calendar year, it will be active through the December of the following year.

Using AHEAD-Member Online Communities

A valuable part of AHEAD membership is the opportunity to connect with other members to pose questions, learn what’s working on their campuses, and share resources. Learn more about the online resources, including over 20 community discussions, the membership directory, and a library of resources, at Using AHEAD Communities page.

AHEAD event attendees enjoying a lunch break between sessions