JPED Volume 23 - Issue 2: Table of Contents

JPED Volume 23, 2010 Issue 2: Table of Contents

 From the Editor
by James Martin

 Mentoring Individuals with Disabilities in Postsecondary Education: A Review of the Literature
by Steven E. Brown, Kiriko Takahashi, Kelly Roberts

 Postsecondary Students Who Have a Learning Disability: Student Perspectives on Accommodations Access and Obstacles
by Stephanie W. Cawthon, Emma V. Cole

 Perceptions of College Students With and Without Disabilities and Effects of STEM and non-STEM Enrollment on Student Engagement and Institutional Involvement
by Brad Hedrick, Mügé Dizén, Kim Collins, John Evans, Tom Grayson

 The POSITIVES Scale: Development and Validation of a Measure of How Well the Information and Communication Technology Needs of Students with Disabilities are Being Met
by Catherine S. Fichten, Jennison V. Asuncion, Mai N. Nguyen, Jillian Budd, Rhonda Amsel

“Supporting a University Student who is Deaf-blind in Writing for Disciplines”
by Kate Chanock, Michelle Stevens, Sally Freeman

by Rebecca Daly Cofer

 Author Guidelines